Hamptons Educational Foundation
Every student deserves an opportunity
Partner Club Member
We seek partnerships with individuals, families, organizations and businesses. Five of our 2010 scholarships were through our partnership program. Donors of $1000.00 or more to the Foundation will be members of the Partner Club, and will be recognized in our brochure, in our community, and in the high schools. Your name, in addition to the Hamptons Educational Foundation's name, will be written on the scholarship certificate for your student, and you will be recognized as a partner-contributor during Awards Night at the high schools. If you wish, you will also receive email information from the student you have sponsored.
Join Our 250 Donors Club
Our annual goal is to raise $25,000.00 from individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. By donating $100.00 or more to the Foundation, you will be recognized as a member of the 250 Club in our brochure, in our community, and in the high schools. If you wish, you will also receive email information from the student you have helped. If you're unable to donate $100.00 or more, the students still need your help with any possible donation amount. Auction Gift Givers Club From businesses, and friends, we seek fully tax deductible donations of new items and services for upcoming auctions.
Why You Should Help
Financial aid is always forthcoming in situations of catastrophe such as natural disasters. These are specific events that immediately focus our attention. Poverty however is a catastrophe that lasts a lifetime, weaving itself into one's life, often never to be addressed. The catastrophe of an uneducated citizenry has an impact that transcends generations. Without our help, and the opportunity for further education, these students have very little hope of breaking the chains of poverty into which they were born and the life choices which often accompany that life. For as little as $3000. per student, the Hamptons Educational Foundation along with your support can assist students on the road to independence.
These students need your support.
Please make fully tax-deductible checks to:
Hamptons Educational Foundation, 153 Southampton Blvd., Auburndale, Fl. 33823
Email: Hamptonseducationalfoundation@Gmail.com Phone: 863-604-9323